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Article: Commitment is Key: How To Optimize The Effectiveness of Chinese Herbal Medicine

Commitment is Key: How To Optimize The Effectiveness of Chinese Herbal Medicine

The Importance of Dosing in Chinese Herbal Medicine


The western medical model has taught us that when you take a pill, relief should come almost instantly. While instant gratification is certainly welcome in some situations, it is the result of the design of most medications to provide nothing more than symptom relief and does very little to move the body closer to yin yang balance, where health is achieved. Chinese herbal medicine are designed for benefits that are much farther-reaching. Instead of chasing the branch, Chinese herbal formulas are crafted to address the root. 

Unfortunately for consumers who are accustomed to a culture where taking no more than one or two pills equals relief, that is not the strategy to use with Chinese herbs. To achieve lasting, deep-level alleviation of an ongoing health challenge, commitment is key. 

Occasionally, here at Snap Dynasty, we get feedback that one of our formulas "isn't working." We have great confidence that the technology behind our formulas will benefit most people, so our first question is always, "how much are you taking?" Consistently, the truth comes out and our customers who find little improvement when using our formulas are not committing. We’re not casting blame or shame, we understand that this is the natural consequence of being immersed in a culture of instant gratification. We too have had to adjust our thinking to reap the far-reaching benefits of a carefully crafted herbal formula.

The theory behind dosing medicinal Chinese herbs is to match the dose to the progression, duration and intensity of the challenge that led you to take herbs in the first place. Every one of the Snap Dynasty Herb Company formulas have a maximum daily dose on the label, and in some situations there is a reason to max out. In certain situations, the benefits of taking a small, consistent daily dose are much more far-reaching than taking the maximum dose. Again, it is all relative to the progression, duration and intensity of the challenge. An issue that has been brewing slowly for years will not be resolved with a few days of maximum dose herbs; small, consistent doses are much more aligned to find relief.

For example, sudden onset issues that call for enlisting Cold Snap to fight the battle are often best addressed by taking small, frequent doses, as often as every 20 minutes; extending the time between doses as a shift occurs and never taking more than our suggested daily maximum of 24 capsules. Alternatively, Cold Snap can be taken as a maintenance dose of 2-6 capsules per day to build righteous chi.  Over time, as righteous chi is strengthened, the need to take a large amount of herbs is lessened as the body is well-prepared to take on invading pathogens.

The differential diagnoses in Traditional Chinese Medicine that are encompassed in CHI’LL OUT- heart and kidney yin deficiency with spleen qi deficiency, which present as challenges with sleep and anxiety- tend to develop slowly, over time, eventually creating an ongoing health challenge. Therefore, the dosing strategy is different. Slow and steady wins the race with CHI’LL OUT, but consistency is key. Since CHI’LL OUT is not a sedative, we recommend taking the first dose shortly after waking and committing to two capsules, three times per day for 5-7 days. Resist the temptation to cast judgement on its effectiveness before a full week has passed. If, after 5-7 days you do not experience a shift in symptoms, try increasing the daily dose by one serving (generally two capsules or 1/4 teaspoon of powder) and give it a few more days. If you are still not achieving your desired results, reach out to us for guidance.

The goal of every Chinese herbal formula is to restore balance to the body, epitomized by the ubiquitous yin-yang symbol. As your body works its way closer to the harmony of yin-yang, fewer doses will be needed. For some people, that means two capsules per day or even zero. For others, a formula may speak to their core imbalance and returning to a larger or consistent dose may be required on occasion.

We understand that taking multiple doses per day is a challenge. We encourage our customers who are seeking deep-level change to accept the challenge and develop strategies that set them up for success. Leaving bottles in several, frequently visited places- on the kitchen counter, in your vehicle, on your nightstand, at your workplace - will serve as a reminder to commit and ensure that a dose is always available. We love these affordable, three times per day pill organizers to keep us on task.

Occasionally we hear from customers who attempt to employ a strategy borrowed from the Western medical model: take the formulas as you please: i.e.
“when I remember”
“when I  feel like it”
“when the symptoms hit”

resulting in a net total intake of two capsules every couple days. Nope. It doesn’t work with Chinese herbs. Employing that strategy is equivalent to taking zero capsules.

To optimize the benefits and achieve lasting results, you must commit. 


Questions specific to your situation? Reach out for dosing guidance:

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